How To Cook An Egg In Ramen? – Freshfixofheights Share!

Eggs are a versatile and healthy food that can be cooked in many ways. In this blog post, we will show you how to cook an egg in ramen. This is a quick and easy way to cook eggs, and it is perfect for breakfast or a snack. Let’s get started!


What is egg in ramen?

Egg in ramen is a popular dish where a boiled egg is cooked inside of the ramen. It adds an extra layer of flavor and texture to the soup, making it more enjoyable to eat. The egg also provides additional protein, making this meal even healthier.

Why do people put eggs in ramen?

Eggs are a great source of protein, and when you add them to ramen, you get a complete meal. Ramen is packed with flavor so the egg adds some nice texture and flavor too. Also, by adding an egg to your ramen, you can stretch it further and make it even more filling.

Why should you cook an egg in ramen?
Why should you cook an egg in ramen?

The healthy benefit of cooking an egg in ramen

Cooking an egg in ramen is a great way to get some of the nutrients your body needs. Eggs are a rich source of protein, iron and other essential vitamins and minerals. They can also help keep you full, meaning you won’t need snacks or additional meals so often. Finally, the egg adds a delicious flavor to your ramen that can really liven it up.

How to cook an egg in ramen? – Hard Boiling

Place the egg and water in a pot

Put some water in the pot and set it on high.

Bring the water to a boil and turn off the heat

Turn the heat off but leave it on for a few minutes more. This will keep your food warm while you prepare other ingredients, or get other tasks done in between cooking sessions!

Rest the egg in the water for 10 minutes

The hard-boiled egg will finish cooking in the hot water even with off. Turning down or switching off your heat can prevent overcooking and make for a much easier peel!

Peel the egg and reheat the water in the pot

After gently lowering the egg into hot water, use a slotted spoon to lift it out. Leave that pot on high heat and then run your brand-new peeled hard boiled eggs under cold running waters before setting them aside for later use!

Cook the ramen

When the water in your pot is boiling again, add ramen noodles. Boil them for 3 minutes or until they are soft like you want–for soupy noodles leave it alone so that all of its goodness stays inside!

Season and serve the ramen with a hard-boiled egg

Our delicious, hot noodles are a perfect meal for any time of year. Our easy recipe only takes 30 minutes from start to finish and you’ll be able serve up an amazing dish that will surely please everyone at your table!

How to cook an egg in ramen? – Soft Boiling

How to cook an egg in ramen? - Soft Boiling
How to cook an egg in ramen? – Soft Boiling

Boil water and add an egg

To make an omelette, measure 2 cups (475 ml) water into a pot and turn the heat to medium so that it bubbles gently. Lower 1 whole egg into this simmering liquid; cook for about 10 minutes or until white is cooked but yolk still runny at room temperature (not fridge cold).

Simmer the egg for 7 to 8 minutes

Cook the egg until it’s cooked to your liking. If you want a runnier yolk, cook for 7 minutes; if more set but still soft in center then 8 is best!

Chill the soft boiled egg for 30 seconds

Place a pot of water on to boil and then remove one egg from fridge. Once cooked, place in ice cold liquid for 30 seconds before peeling off skin or cutting into halves if desired.

Cook and season the ramen

When the water in pot begins to boil, reduce heat slightly and stir ramen noodles until they are 3 minutes away from being cooked. Then mix one table spoon of your favorite soy sauce or seasonings into each cup before pouring it over hot steaming bowls of perfectly seasoned broth/noodles!

Peel and add the egg to the ramen

The yolk should be easy to remove once you crack it. You can either place the whole egg into your ramen or slice it in half and put some noodles on top, then sliver away!

How to cook an egg in ramen? – Simmering

How to cook an egg in ramen? - Simmering
How to cook an egg in ramen? – Simmering

Place the egg in the ramen

To make an omelette, measure 2 cups (475 ml) water into a pot and turn the heat to medium so that it bubbles gently. Lower 1 whole egg into this simmering liquid; cook for about 10 minutes or until white is cooked but yolk still runny at room temperature (not fridge cold).

Simmer the egg for 7 to 8 minutes

Cook the egg until it’s cooked to your liking. If you want a runnier yolk, cook for 7 minutes; if more set but still soft in center then 8 is best!

Chill the simmered egg for 30 seconds

Place a pot of water on to boil and then remove one egg from fridge. Once cooked, place in ice cold liquid for 30 seconds before peeling off skin or cutting into halves if desired.

Cook and season the ramen

When the water in pot begins to boil, reduce heat slightly and stir ramen noodles until they are 3 minutes away from being cooked. Then mix one table spoon of your favorite soy sauce or seasonings into each cup before pouring it over hot steaming bowls of perfectly seasoned broth/noodles!

Peel and add the egg to the ramen

The yolk should be easy to remove once you crack it. You can either place the whole egg into your ramen or slice it in half and put some noodles on top, then sliver away!

How to cook an egg in ramen? – poaching

How to cook an egg in ramen? - poaching
How to cook an egg in ramen? – poaching

Poach the egg

To make a poached egg, start by boiling a pot of water. Once it’s boiling, reduce the heat so that the water is simmering. Crack an egg into a bowl, then hold the bowl close to the surface of the water and gently tip it in. Cook for 3 minutes, or until the whites are set but the yolk is still runny.

Chill the poached egg for 30 seconds

Place a pot of water on to boil and then remove one egg from fridge. Once cooked, place in ice cold liquid for 30 seconds before peeling off skin or cutting into halves if desired.

Cook and season the ramen

When the water in pot begins to boil, reduce heat slightly and stir ramen noodles until they are 3 minutes away from being cooked. Then mix one table spoon of your favorite soy sauce or seasonings into each cup before pouring it over hot steaming bowls of perfectly seasoned broth/noodles!

Slide the poached egg into the ramen

Carefully remove the poached egg from the water with a slotted spoon. Slide it into your bowl of ramen.

How to cook an egg in ramen? – Scrambling

How to cook an egg in ramen? - Scrambling
How to cook an egg in ramen? – Scrambling

Scramble the egg

To make a scrambled egg, start by heating a pan over medium heat. Add 1 teaspoon (4.9 ml) of oil or butter to the pan. Crack 2 eggs into the pan and use a fork to scramble them until they’re how you like them.

Cook and season the ramen

When the water in pot begins to boil, reduce heat slightly and stir ramen noodles until they are 3 minutes away from being cooked. Then mix one table spoon of your favorite soy sauce or seasonings into each cup before pouring it over hot steaming bowls of perfectly seasoned broth/noodles!

Top the ramen with the scramble egg

Once the egg is how you like it, use a fork to transfer it to your bowl of ramen. Top with some green onions if you have them!

Tips when cook an egg in ramen

– Use fresh eggs for the best results.

– To make softer noodles, cook them for less time. For firmer noodles, cook them for a minute or two longer.

– If you’re using instant ramen, add the flavor packet after the noodles are cooked.

– Don’t forget to season your ramen! A little soy sauce, fish sauce, or sriracha can go a long way.

– Top your ramen with any of your favorite toppings: soft-boiled eggs, green onions, bean sprouts, shredded chicken, etc.

– For an extra boost of flavor, try adding a teaspoon of miso paste to the broth.

What to serve with egg in ramen?

Egg in ramen can be served with a side of vegetables or a light salad. It is also great as part of a larger meal, such as stir fry or another type of Asian dish. If you’d like to add more protein, shredded chicken or tofu are great options to add to your ramen egg bowl.

No matter how you decide to serve it, egg in ramen is a tasty and healthy meal that can be enjoyed any time of day! Try it today and see for yourself.

What to serve with egg in ramen?
What to serve with egg in ramen?

How to store egg in ramen leftovers?

If you have leftovers, they can be stored in an airtight container and kept in the refrigerator for up to three days. When reheating, it is best to do so gently on the stove or microwave. Do not try to reheat them in a pot of boiling water as this will overcook the egg.

Egg in ramen is a simple and tasty way to enjoy eggs and noodles. With so many variations, it’s easy to find one that you’ll love! Give this recipe a try today and see what creative twists you can come up with.

How to store egg in ramen leftovers?
How to store egg in ramen leftovers?

More variations of egg in ramen that you can try

If you want to change up the flavor of your egg in ramen, there are many variations that you can try. For a spicier dish, add chili flakes or sriracha to the boiling water before adding the noodles and egg. You can also swap out the noodles for soba noodles for a different texture.

To add more flavor, you can add garlic or ginger to the boiling water with the noodles. If you want a more filling meal, try adding some vegetables like mushrooms or bell peppers to the pot when cooking the noodles.

A delicious egg in ramen dish is an easy and healthy meal that anyone can make at home. So why not give it a try? With so many variations, you can easily find a version of this dish that suits your taste.

Conclusion: How to cook an egg in ramen

There are many ways on how to cook an egg in ramen, so it really just depends on your preferences! If you like your yolk runny, then poach the egg for 3 minutes. If you prefer a more set yolk, then cook for 8 minutes. You can also scramble the egg and top the ramen with it.

FAQs: cooking egg in ramen

Do you add egg before or after cooking ramen?

The egg is a delicious addition to ramen! It says not add the raw ingredient until after you’ve fully cooked your noodles and removed from heat. After all this research, we found that it should be added 2-4 minutes into cooking time for best results.”

Will a raw egg cook in ramen?

Cooking ramen noodles with a raw egg is not recommended. The egg should be cooked before adding it to the ramen.

How long do you cook an egg in ramen?

It depends on how you like your egg cooked. If you like your yolk runny, then poach the egg for 3 minutes. If you prefer a more set yolk, then cook for 8 minutes. You can also scramble the egg and top the ramen with it.

Why do people put boiled egg in ramen?

The egg is a delicious addition to ramen! It adds protein and creaminess to the dish.

How do you keep the egg from cooking too fast in ramen?

To prevent the egg from cooking too fast, add it 2-4 minutes into cooking time. This will allow the egg to cook slowly and evenly.

How to poach an egg in ramen?

To poach an egg in ramen, start by boiling water in a pot. Reduce the heat and add the egg. Cook for 3 minutes for a runny yolk or 8 minutes for a more set yolk. Remove the egg with a slotted spoon and slide it into your bowl of ramen.

Can you microwave a raw egg in ramen?

Cooking ramen noodles with a raw egg is not recommended. The egg should be cooked before adding it to the ramen.

How do you soft boil eggs for ramen?

To soft boil eggs for ramen, start by boiling water in a pot. Reduce the heat and add the eggs. Cook for 3 minutes for a runny yolk or 8 minutes for a more set yolk. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and slide them into your bowl of ramen.

Can you cook an egg in a ramen cup?

Cooking ramen noodles with a raw egg is not recommended. The egg should be cooked before adding it to the ramen.

What does egg in ramen taste like?

The egg is a delicious addition to ramen! It adds protein and creaminess to the dish.

How do you make sure the egg doesn’t stick to the pot when cooking ramen?

To prevent the egg from sticking to the pot, add it 2-4 minutes into cooking time. This will allow the egg to cook slowly and evenly.

How do you keep the egg from overcooking in ramen?

To prevent the egg from overcooking, add it 2-4 minutes into cooking time. This will allow the egg to cook slowly and evenly.

How to cook an egg in ramen microwave?

In just a few simple steps, you can enjoy a satisfying bowl of ramen with a perfectly cooked egg. Here’s a simple way to upgrade your ramen game. In a medium bowl, mix the noodles and seasoning packet with 2 cups of water. Pop it in the microwave on high power for 4 minutes and voila – perfectly cooked noodles! Give it a stir, then crack an egg on top. Microwave for another minute, until the egg white is cooked but the yolk remains delightfully runny in the center.

How to add egg to ramen?

Enhance your Ramen with a perfectly poached egg. Simply boil your Ramen in 2 cups of water for 90 seconds, add the desired seasonings, and crack a raw egg into the pot. Cover with a lid, turn off the heat, and let it sit for a quick 2 minutes. Enjoy deliciously cooked eggs and perfectly finished noodles.

How long to boil an egg for ramen?

Optimal boiling time for a delectable ramen egg! Achieve a lusciously runny yolk at 6 to 6½ minutes, or savor a creamy custard-like yolk at 8 to 9 minutes. Remember to adjust the heat to maintain a gentle boil while ensuring the water simmers without vigorous bubbling. Tantalize your taste buds with perfectly cooked eggs in your ramen.

Can you put a raw egg in instant ramen?

Is it possible to add a raw egg to instant ramen? It is indeed possible to add a raw egg to instant ramen, but it is not advisable. The intense heat used to cook the ramen noodles may result in the egg overflowing and causing a mess. It is recommended to cook the egg separately and then incorporate it into the ramen after the noodles are cooked.

How to soft boil an egg for ramen in microwave?

How to easily soft boil an egg for ramen in the microwave: simply place two eggs in a microwave-safe bowl, cover them with warm water, add salt, then cook for 6-7 minutes. Once cooked, transfer them to a bowl of cold water to halt the cooking process.